Monday, 28 November 2011

Frankly more fungi

It does seem my intermittent blog has taken a slight fascination with fungi but I spend of lot of time at the moment in woodlands and well, there is a lot of it about!  Here are some more little beauties that I recently found...

Shaggy Parasol Macrolepiota rhacodes

Jew's Ear Auricularia auricula-judae
Jew's ear is also known sometimes as Jelly ear.  It is so called apparently because Judas hanged himself from an Elder tree (which is where this fungus is most commonly found).

Candle Snuff Fungus Xylaria hypoxylon

Other odd ones growing on branches...

On a non fungal related matter, the urban greenspace that is our communal garden grows ever more fascinating.  One of my first blogs was about the interesting flora species found on the grassy area.  I believe we have a Pin Oak tree which is quite random.  It is native of North America and more of an ornamental here.  We have had the pleasure of seeing a bullfinch twice in the last couple of days, feeding on the birch.  The birch has also been very popular with goldcrest, chaffinches, greenfinches, coal tits, and blue tits.

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