Thursday, 16 June 2011

Disturbing tales of the living dead

I have been trying to figure out what this ladybird is doing here:

I think I have got to the bottom of it but it's a gruesome tale if I am correct.  Apparently the seven-spot ladybird is often victim to a parasitoid wasp Dinocampus coccinellae.  The wasp injects its egg into adults of large ladybirds. The eggs hatch into larvae which grow within the ladybird but do not kill it. They emerge and build a cocoon below the ladybird, attaching it to a leaf.  The larva feeds off the non-vital organs of the ladybird and immobilise it by severing the main nerves in its legs.  So the ladybird is living-dead! The pupating wasp enjoys the protection provided by the ladybird's bright warning coloration as well as the deterrent properties of "reflex bleeding"; a mechanism whereby ladybirds produce toxic and foul tasting fluids from their joints to put off would be predators.  Pretty harsh eh.

On a happier note, my aunt and uncle have discovered this Elephant Hawk Moth residing in their car port:

Elephant Hawk moth

These are amazing moths if you get to see them.  Right I am off to the lakes for a week, tune in after the 25th!

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