Sunday, 22 September 2019

The sweet smell of autumn

One of the natural wonders that definitely gives me joy at this time of year is the smell of the Katsura tree. In late summer, early autumn they give off the most amazing candyfloss aroma and there are a few of them at Bedgebury so I am very lucky to be able to enjoy them regularly.

The funny thing is you can't stick your face in and inhale the lovely smell, you just catch it randomly in the air as you wander past the trees - making it that little bit more magical.

Saturday, 17 August 2019

Bumbling back into my blog

Oops, it's only been 7 years since my last post. What happened there? Life I guess. But I am still plodding through the countryside and I think now that technology has advanced (I can take photos with my phone, wow!) as has the dire need for more positive and joyful news to be shared to the world, it's time to get back on here.

So let's get the ball rolling with a shout out to our marvelous pollinators! I've snapped a few pics this week of pollinators on plants. I do love a good bumblebee - tiny bundles of fur, clumsily wafting through the air from flower to flower occasionally distracted by other inanimate, brightly coloured items. Seeing a bumblebee getting stuck into a good flower definitely brings me some joy.

Male red-tailed bumblebee

White tailed bumblebee on heather

Honeybees working the Echinops

Volucella pellucens hoverfly on scabious