Wednesday, 3 August 2011

Here today, gone tomorrow!

Oh dear, what can I say.  Yesterday I spent a lovely 10 minutes photographing the wild flowers around the car park at Mark Cross.  Back again this morning, and gasp, what did I behold! Absolutely bloomin' nuffin!  The chumps from the local authority had just mowed the whole lot - all those lovely flowers, covered in invertabrate life, gone.  Boo hiss...

Tuesday, 2 August 2011

Diamonds in the rough

Had a bit of time this morning waiting in Mark Cross car park for a pickup to chainsawing.  And what better way to kill 10 minutes than to take pictures of what most people would call weeds by the road.

Knapweed & Hover-fly

Yellow-vetch (?)

Cow Parsley

Tufted Vetch

Common Knapweed
Never leave your camera at home!