Sunday, 27 February 2022

"O snail. Climb Mount Fuji. But slowly, slowly."

 Just finished reading "The Sound of a Wild Snail Eating" by Elisabeth Tova Bailey which was a great read.  Not only was it a good reminder not to take your health for granted but it was a truly fascinating insight into the world of snails. And as a bonus, anyone who enjoys a good old haiku will appreciate the quotes at the beginning of each chapter, such as this post title by Kobayashi Issa.

We discovered this little fella on our work allotment at the end of last summer. A snail's shell is a beautiful thing to behold.

I think we could all learn something from our little slimey friends. Slow down. And also they are rather fun to draw.

Monday, 31 January 2022

Patterns in nature

Winter is a fantastic time of year to spot patterns in nature. What you might first think of as seasonally bleak soon becomes striking as you spend a few moments really looking at things...

Sunday, 22 September 2019

The sweet smell of autumn

One of the natural wonders that definitely gives me joy at this time of year is the smell of the Katsura tree. In late summer, early autumn they give off the most amazing candyfloss aroma and there are a few of them at Bedgebury so I am very lucky to be able to enjoy them regularly.

The funny thing is you can't stick your face in and inhale the lovely smell, you just catch it randomly in the air as you wander past the trees - making it that little bit more magical.

Saturday, 17 August 2019

Bumbling back into my blog

Oops, it's only been 7 years since my last post. What happened there? Life I guess. But I am still plodding through the countryside and I think now that technology has advanced (I can take photos with my phone, wow!) as has the dire need for more positive and joyful news to be shared to the world, it's time to get back on here.

So let's get the ball rolling with a shout out to our marvelous pollinators! I've snapped a few pics this week of pollinators on plants. I do love a good bumblebee - tiny bundles of fur, clumsily wafting through the air from flower to flower occasionally distracted by other inanimate, brightly coloured items. Seeing a bumblebee getting stuck into a good flower definitely brings me some joy.

Male red-tailed bumblebee

White tailed bumblebee on heather

Honeybees working the Echinops

Volucella pellucens hoverfly on scabious

Saturday, 27 October 2012

My Summer In Suffolk

So I have just completed my first paid (with actual money) job in the countryside industry as a Seasonal Ranger in Suffolk.  And what a great experience it was with so many tasks like making hay, counting butterflies, staining picnic benches, weaving willow domes, getting hyper active Beavers to rake up grass, launching recycled rockets across nature reserves, dissecting tudor poo, pond dipping with small people, pruning and strimming, and the less glamorous stuff like litter picking, emptying doggy-do bins, and spraying pesticide in my own face!  Good times.

Not your usual tool store especially with the laying out table and coffin behind the building!

My attractive maroon school uniform

Close encounters while weeding

Sound of summer - singing meadows

Poos from the Past - homemade archaeological game!

Small Skipper

Water Mint

Invasive Himalayan Balsam - with exploding seed heads!


The River Dove

Paralympic Flame Festival

Suffolk style vandalism to steal ice cream!

Earthstar fungi

Shaggy Inkcap

Church Meadow

Needham Lake

Naughty mink prints

Mink raft where we find the prints

Wild at art

Footbridge ecosystem

Nasty thorn-apple (Jimson weed) which is a hallucinogen

Autumn colours at Needham Lake

Tuesday, 11 September 2012

Elementary my dear Watson

Yes this is exactly what it looks like, a dead bird.  This is, was, in fact a Little Owl.  I found the recently deceased at work in Needham Lake and having my trusty litter picker to hand I was able to carry out a CSI-style post-mortem examination.  Well, I flipped him over a couple of times and took some pictures.  I also noticed that it was ringed (note the silver anklet).  This meant that this bird had been recorded and so I took note of the ring number and emailed the BTO (British Trust for Ornithology).  They soon got back to me to inform me that it had been rung in May this year at a local site and was around 2 years old.  Sounds young but apparently their typical lifespan is only 3 years.  The results of my post-mortem sadly did not uncover the cause of death but there were no obvious signs of struggle or abuse.  Poison perhaps?  I may have to call Jessica Fletcher on this one.

Monday, 16 July 2012

Hang in there!

Despite this appalling weather and all the doom and gloom being reported about how our British wildlife is suffering, a few creatures and flowers are still clinging on.  Undoubtedly things dont look as colourful, summery and full of life as they should at this time of year but if you look closely you can still find small pockets of splendour...

Common spotted orchid

Small tortoiseshell and Meadow brown (sharing, aah!)

Stinking iris

face full of buddleia
Pyramidal orchid

Red cardinals making whoopee

Emerald damselfly

So chin up, the little guys are battling through the monsoon, so can we!